
Technical Analysis V/S Fundamental Analysis

Technical Analysis  and Fundamental Analysis are two major school of thoughts used to predict the market movements but have their own way of operation. Traders use technical analysis and investors use fundamental analysis to find out and explore the stock market future prices. Each method has its own unique qualities that are used by specific players in the stock market. Hence, it is important to understand the distinction between the two and use it as per one ’ s advantage. Fundamental analysis understands the stock of a company through the measurement of its intrinsic value. Fundamental analysts study everything and look at every aspect of the economy from overall working to industry conditions to the financial power and management of each company in the economy. Though, a stock value is a matter of opinion, relatively undervalued companies can outperform over the long term. The major basis of technical analysis is studying stock prices or volume data. The aim here is to understa...

CFA jobs in India- scope

CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)   provides the highest distinction in the investment management profession. This program has a high level of global recognition for finance-related activities. It is a post-graduate level qualification. It covers many sectors and topics related to finance and accounting such as economics, statistics, probability theory, financial analysis, portfolio management, etc. Certified Financial Analyst, as a professional certification program has gained a lot of popularity in India over the years. CFA certification is believed to be one of the most high earning and preferred professions in India. As a career opportunity, the profession comprises abundant logical ability and difficult concepts which requires dedication and concentration. However, the perks received after completion of the course make the difficult process totally worth it.        Finance is global in nature, and the CFA charter is recognized by the industry as the gold st...

What are the career opportunities after CFA?

   The  CFA  is a globally known designation. It works as a profession of commitment, knowledge, hard work, skill set and dedication. Becoming a CFA charter helps you lay the foundation of growth in career as a finance professional. Professionals and organizations in the investment management industry are a guide towards capital- they are helpful for the clients who wish to make investment decisions or are confused about investment of their money. Professionals of investment management industry provide services to enhance the financial markets. The scope and value of these services include asset management, construction and management of investment portfolios, funds and regulation of these systems. Registering for the CFA Program and becoming the CFA charter prepares and positions oneself for a lot of career opportunities in the investment management industry. Being considered as the gold standard in finance and the topmost profession in investment management, the CF...


  CFA (Chartered Financial Analysts)  and CA (Chartered Accountancy) are two important courses in finance domain. Both are excellent courses and unique in their own way. Choosing a professional certification between both courses is dependent upon your interest and qualification. To decide which course to pursue, one should know all about CFA and CA in terms of courses, advantages.  CFA certification or Chartered Financial Analyst is a program conducted by CFA institute, California.  The program aims to provide professional training and education in the field of finance and investment analysis. To avail the CFA certification, one must pass three levels of CFA examination. CFA is a globally recognized certification program. The average salary package for a CFA charter holder is 12,00,000-20,00,000. Some of the common job profiles for a CFA charterholder include portfolio manager, consultant, investment analyst, strategist, wealth manager etc. CA or Chartered Accountanc...

How Bitcoin wallet works?

  Bitcoin  is the top cryptocurrency which came into existence in 2009. Through it, transactions are made with no mediator or banks. Bitcoins are useful to buy merchandise anonymously in an exchange organized market. It makes international payments easier and cheaper because Bitcoins are not confined to a particular country or subject to regulation. Since Bitcoin is a digital currency, they can’t be stored in any physical shape or form. Private keys enable an easy access to your public Bitcoin address and transaction signatures.  A Bitcoin wallet is also called as a digital wallet. It is important to maintain a crypto wallet in order to trade in Bitcoins. The Bitcoin wallet works in a similar manner as a physical wallet with a difference that instead of storing physical currency, the wallet stores useful information like a secure private key. Bitcoin wallets are beneficial to send and receive cryptocurrency as per the Bitcoin protocol. The wallets resemble software progra...

CFA Mock exams and practice questions

  Someone very rightly said- “a dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Earning the global finance designation isn’t an easy path. It takes a lot of passion, determination, hard work and diligence to become a chartered financial analyst.  CFA course  regarded as the highest distinctions in the investment management profession equips one with the appropriate skills and expertise required to survive in the domain of finance. To hold the CFA charter, one must pass all three levels of CFA exam. Preparing for the CFA level 1 exam requires thorough study and perseverance. To ease the process of preparation, CFA Institute, California, provides mock exams and practice questions. CFA mock test are an important way to be acquainted with the format and data of the exam. It enables one to know the topics to be studied, prioritize the time to be given for each question. Attempting more CFA practice questions and mock tests helps one be...

What is Price action trading?

Price action  signifies the movement of a security’s price plotted over time. This movement is formed in accordance with the changes in price in recent past. Price action is a technique which allows a trader to observe the market and devise trading decisions as per the price movements, rather than depending on technical indicators. It is the basis for all technical analysis of a commodity, stock or other asset chart. Technical analysis  predicts the price of the share market through historical data like price and volume. Most investors use fundamental and technical analysis to make trading choices. Price action is the best way to study technical analysis. Price action trading  doesn’t focus on the factors that influence the market’s movement, rather it looks at the history of the market price. Price action trading is often called “pure” form of technical analysis because it doesn’t include any second hand price-derived indicators. It emphasis on the first-hand data of sha...