What are moving averages?
Under technical analysis , indicators have a crucial role to play. Indicators are pattern-based signals made through price, volume, and/or open interest of a security or contract used by traders who follow technical analysis. Indicators are used to forecast price movements. Some examples of common technical indicators are- moving averages, moving average convergence divergence (MACD), relative strength index (RSI), Bollinger Bands and Exponential moving average (EMA). The moving average (MA) is an indicator used to find out the direction of a current price trend regardless of the short term price fluctuations. The moving average formula as a technical analysis indicator, finds out price data by updating a regular average price. When the moving average is showcased through a price chart, a single/ flat liner removes any differences caused due to changes in price. They do not forecast the direction of price, instead define the current direction in accordance with the past pric...